Social Media

CAMH Social media campaign

This project was done as for the final assignment for the social media class at Humber College.

By Shreya Ravva & Samantha Maquera

Situational Analysis

CAMH’s mission is to shift attitudes and shape a world where people suffering from mental illnesses receive the care they require and deserve (CAMH, n.d.). The campaign will focus on immigrant millennials adapting to a new country. New immigrants worsened their mental health because of physical distancing in the pandemic of 2020 (Evra & Mongrain, 2020). It’s important to raise awareness of the situation to support millennial immigrants. Instagram and YouTube are the best social media to build community and raise funds for research. 


Their primary goal is to help build strong and healthy communities by improving the lives of people dealing with mental health and/or addiction issues and promoting the health of people in Ontario and beyond (CAMH, n.d.). Other goals include awareness of addiction and mental health, raising funds for research and reaching more people (CAMH, n.d.).

Target Audience

The target audience mainly focuses on immigrant millennials. There are multiple target audiences for raising awareness such as second-generation immigrant children who understand their parent’s mental health in moving to a new country. The target audience for raising funds will be donors. The people who are interested in donating to the campaign about awareness. The campaign will centre on immigrants who were struggling to adapt to a new country.

SMART objectives and KPIs

SMART Objective 1 –

Increase followers by 8% by posting four times a week by the end of the month to create awareness. 

Specific– Increase the number of Instagram followers. Currently has 14.2 thousand. Increase the numbers to 15 thousand. 

Measurable Measure the number of likes, comments and shares of the post.

Achievable- Post four times a week. Post every day on the story. This would obtain 500 followers for a month. 

Relevant- Gain knowledge for people struggling with mental health because of immigration. This will create awareness for people who know someone experiencing mental health problems.

Time-bound- Achieve this goal by the end of the month.


Measure the number of followers gained bi-weekly during the campaign. 

Keep track of gained mentions in an article, on social media, and on a blog. Earned media raises awareness amongst people. If more people are writing about the organization means there’s more awareness and a chance of gaining followers from the creator’s audience.

SMART Objective 2 –

Collect $800 by the end of the month by using mention stickers on the story and donate button/fundraiser option on YouTube 

Specific- Raise funds for $800. 

Measurable- measure the engagement on the page by the number of views people see on the story.

Achievable- Post 5 times a day on Instagram stories and 1 YouTube video weekly and mention donation every day. 

Relevant-  Fundraising is for the research centre and patient support.

Time-bound- Achieve the goal by the end of a month


Amount of money collected with the help of YouTube fundraising and other sources during the campaign and during the one-month period post the campaign.

SMART Objective 3-

Build a community of millennial immigrants on Instagram live and hashtags.

Specific- Community building leads to CAMH’s goal.

Measurable- Measure by the views, likes and participants on Instagram live and hashtags.

Achievable- To post every other day on their social media. Collaborating with a certain group of people. Use hashtags #newchapter for followers to participate in the campaign. 

Relevant- Develop a trusting and engaging group for the followers.

Time-bound- Achieve this goal by the end of the month. 


Calculating the engagement rate by the number of people engaging with our posts over our social media platforms with the new followers we’ve gained during the campaign period.

A total number of likes, comments, saves and shares divided by the number of followers multiplied by 100 will give the average engagement rate of audiences with our content. 

Campaign Strategies and Tactics

Raise awareness and educate those who are struggling with their identity through immigrant and generational trauma. 

It’s important to understand the immigrant’s identity and people going through generational traumas. Immigrants suffered the most because of the risk of living in poor conditions, economic exploitation and prejudicial treatment (Perez Foster, 2001). The best way to share awareness is through posting Instagram stories 5 times a day. Instagram stories enable to post Instagram posts for the viewers to watch.

Raise funds for the research centre, for doctors and educators to understand more about this particular type of issue. Also a solution of how their patient can cope with their mental health. 

Camh’s main focus as a company is to raise funds for research. Most research requires money. Camh’s is a research centre that mainly receives funds from large donors. However, some donors may not be enough because of the amount of research they have. The best way to raise funds is through Instagram stories.

Gain community within the millennial immigrants. Community building is important in the campaign for the patients to understand that they are not the only ones who are struggling. 

Community building is important in the immigrant group. Similar ethnic groups tend to meet in smaller communities because of their familiarity with traditions and culture (Perez Foster, 2001). Community building can be found in creating Instagram live. It would act as an open forum for millennial immigrants, to share their stories and struggles with their mental health. Instagram live occurs once a week for new millennial immigrants to join. There will be advance posts on Twitter and Instagram stories about the live for people to join.

Campaign materials 

Paid media

  • Interview production
  • Instagram ads- sponsored posts on Instagram talking about the campaign. 
  • Facebook ads- sponsored posts on Facebook talking about the campaign. 
  • Paid influencers- Influencers chosen to talk about the importance of mental health on their platforms.  

Earned media 

  • Influencers post on their page- Influencers post about their experiences at CAMH. 
  • Articles by news outlets- news outlets writing about the campaign.

Shared media 

  • Facebook- to share links to owned media like YouTube links.
  • Instagram and Instagram live- to share donation links on stories and collaborate with influencers on Instagram live.  
  • YouTube- to share donation links. 
  • Twitter- to share owned media links link Instagram post or YouTube video
  • Influencer stories- posts shared by influencers on their social channels. 

Owned media

  • Interview production- videos produced for Youtube. 
  • Interview testimonials- Instagram reels and Youtube videos for Camh’s social channels. 
  • Resources- Camh’s resources like research, blogs, studies etc.  


Amy Tran 


Amy Tran is a macro influencer with more than 200,000 followers. She’s a Toronto base therapist. She post almost everyday and has 785 posts so far on Instagram. She is the best candidate because she is a second-generation immigrant. Her father was a refugee from Vietnam, and understands the immigrant mental health. 

Pooja Verma Gulati

Peekapoo (Youtube)

@peekapooxo (Instagram)

Pooja is a lifestyle vlogger on YouTube. She is also active on Instagram. She is a macro-influencer with 118,000 subscribers on YouTube and 42,700 followers on Instagram. She posts every week. Her content is about her lifestyle and her life as an immigrant living in Toronto. She has also talked about her mental health and how she deals with it in many videos. We think she is a great influencer because her audience is mostly immigrants and relate to her as she is raw and open about her life.

Content Strategy

Instagram Stories

Instagram stories allow you to be more direct with your audience, and it’s also a great way to promote products thanks to updates like being able to mention accounts, add stickers, and shoppable tags. Furthermore, it enables brands to interact one-on-one with their target audience (Campaign Monitor, 2022). This will help us interact with our followers and donation stickers can help in raising funds. Also, stories can be used to gain more followers by hosting interactive questions and answers (Tabas, 2022).

Amy Tran demonstrates a well thought-out Instagram. She understands Instagram algorithms and SMART goals. Since she’s a therapist, she can share post about mental health regarding on millenial immigrants. She can post everyday on facts about the campaign. She can mention in a story using the website link for viewers to click on. Amy Tran has a story that relates well to the campaign. 

YouTube videos and Reels 

Companies can build a community on social media by highlighting how “ordinary” people (both employees and customers) are doing incredible things and how your product can help them achieve them (Forbes, 2021). Videos on stories on people seeking help from CAMH can help in creating a community and also urge people to donate. With that video content has the biggest engagement among audiences(Tabas, 2022). This way YouTube will enable us to gain more followers, and reach more audiences. YouTube’s features such as Super Chat, and Fundraisers can help us collect donations from our followers. 

For Youtube we’ve chosen Pooja (Peekapoo) to make a video of her mental health struggles as an immigrant that she will post on her channel. The video will be a short documentary-interview about her experience in Canada. Since she is a lifestyle influencer, interviewing her would create a sense of truth of her immigrant life. She understands her target audience by giving a theme on her videos.

Social listening and monitoring 

For social listening and monitoring we have chosen platforms like Reddit and Twitter. Reddit is useful to get to know what people feel about a specific topic. There are various forums where people give their opinions. According to Mo Elzubeir Founder & CEO of Socialhose (2021) Reddit is one of the most trusted social networks. So when someone posts about your brand or service on Reddit, there is a significant trust stock assigned to it. By using Reddit as a tool for social listening we can find out what are people thinking about our campaigns and also what they currently think about mental health, Camh and immigration. We will also use Twitter because we will be using it to post about our campaign and the mentions, replies, and retweets can help us know about people’s reactions and what they think about the campaign. Overall we will also be monitoring the comment sections of our posts to get feedback from our audience. We will also use Meltwater to monitor our socials.

Works cited 

Campaign Monitor. (2022, June 14).All about Instagram marketing in 2021. Retrieved November 4, 2022, from 

CAMH. (n.d.). About Camh. CAMH. Retrieved November 4, 2022, from 

Elzubeir, M. (2021, July 1). Reddit social listening 101: Your complete guide. SOCIALHOSE. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from 

Evra, & Mongrain. (2020, July 14). Mental Health Status of Canadian Immigrants During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Canada Statistics.

Forbes Magazine. (2021, December 10). Council post: 16 inspiring ways to build a community on social media. Forbes. Retrieved November 4, 2022, from 

Perez Foster, R. (2001). When Immigration Is Trauma: Guidelines for the Individual and Family Clinician. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 71(2), 153–170.

Tabas, J. (2022, October 12). How nonprofits can use social media to increase donations and boost visibility. Forbes. Retrieved November 4, 2022, from